Tuesday, September 14, 2010


What a delicious and healthy treat!

I was curio
us as the only sari-sari store nearby with a woman whom I call "manang" (elderly lady) usually see me stopping by the area whenever the fruiting season comes and that I borrow her "walis tingting" (broom) so that I could sweep the Kalumpit fruit litter off the side road. She had me taste the Kalumpit jam that she had freshly made that day but I wasn't able to bring my camera then so I wasn't able to document the delicately sweet treat. Anyway, the next time that I passed by her sari-sari store, I was inquiring if she still had a few fresh fruits or that jam that she had me taste previously. I had this idea of making the jam myself, because I was able to persuade her in giving me the bowlful of Kalumpit fruits, which she had collected earlier. I was paying for the fruits, but she insisted on giving it to me so I thanked her and bid my farewell.

When I came home late that evening, I placed the fresh Kalumpit fruits inside the refrigerator....... The following day, I was eager to prepare how to make a Kalumpit jam based from the portions that "manang" had taught me. But instead of putting equal amounts of sugar with the fruits, I substituted sugar for the much healthier pure honey that was already available.

Kalumpit fruits + H2O + Wild Honey
Kalumpit Jam/Syrup
(stirred and left to simmer, then optional to strain)

It was perfect timing as we had a half gallon of strawberry ice-cream sitting inside the freezer.........the rest is history!

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