Monday, August 9, 2010

TWiT TWiT ! ! ! . . . New life under the Akleng-parang tree.

The nest was secretly hidden among the dense grass under the Akleng-parang tree. Inside the nest were three precious baby birds, still innocent of the world around them. Need to plant more trees in order to save their habitat.


  1. Awww! I wonder what kind of bird they are?

  2. Hi Macrina! I'll try to check on the nest next week when I visit the area. Hopefully, the chicks are still there and have grown feathers so that I'd be able to identify them.

    Thanks for posting!

  3. It's been two weeks since I took the picture of the baby birds. I had the chance to visit the nest this afternoon, but the chicks were not there anymore. I guess that it only takes them a few days in order to leave the nest and forage for food with their parent birds. Sayang! Another opportunity missed.
