Monday, August 2, 2010

I found this Anonang tree inside a junkyard.

It was a sunny morning of October 2005 when my brother and I was driving by Sto. Tomas, Laguna when he decided to stop by to check out what interesting items he can scout from this junkyard that we had just passed. He backed up the car and parked it just in front of the entrance. We then proceeded to go inside.........After seeing a lot of used appliance, kitchen appliances, spare parts and other recyclable items, this tree that stood at the farther end of the open yard caught my attention.

This particular tree looked new to my eyes. Somehow it had a light airy feeling to it. The proportion and foliage was appealing to me as if to say, come closer and check me out. And so I did go closer.........After inspecting this new find, I went back to the person in charge of the shop to ask her what tree it was. For a minute th
ere I thought that nobody knew what tree it was. Until somebody said, "Anonang ang tawag diyan".

Luckily, I found round pinkish fruits scattered on the cemented floor. I gathered a few pieces knowing that I may just have acquired a more interesting find.


  1. can ia ask,if what element is there in that plant that it may be used as an alternative glue?please answer..........asap..thanks..

  2. Hello, Lovely! Sorry, but I am not familiar with what you are asking me.

  3. Yes. the fruit of the plant has a sticky fluid which we used as paste or glue during our elementary grades. Rolly

  4. Rolly, thanks for sharing your comment! Are you talking about the milky sap or dagta in tagalog? Some plants or trees have "dagta" too.

  5. it is also a medincine for binat?
